
      The term Gold Encompass means simply: Be Real – Be Pure of Heart – Be of True Beauty - and bring that into all that you do. 

      In ancient alchemy, one of the primary goals of the practice was to turn base level metals into Gold. In esoteric schools of spiritual thought, there was a correlation to this alchemical goal and the transmutation of our consciousness. That through self-study, contemplation, meditation, and direct revelation, we purify our lower base-level consciousness to arrive in alignment with our sacred-divine self/beingness. And this version of ourselves encompass all that we do. 

      The Gold in ‘Gold Encompass’ also represents the highest standards we dedicate to operate with.  

      Meaning behind the Owl symbolism – Our open-winged Owl logo represents the taking flight into higher realms of your consciousness. To steer your life through clear vision and wisdom. The Owl is an animal that can see in the dark, and in the same one of the greatest virtues we hold sacred, is seeing through the darkness of the world unto the Light comprising it All.